• Grado académico: Doctor Ciencias Químicas, Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona, España.
  • Correo electrónico: ptume@ucsc.cl
  • Teléfono: 56-41-2345317

Doctor Ciencias Químicas, Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona, España.

Master en Hidrología Subterránea, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, Barcelona, España.

Líneas de Investigación:

  • Contaminación de suelos
  • Contaminación de Aguas Subterráneas.




Tume, P , Barrueto, K ; Olguin, M ; Torres, J ; Cifuentes, J ; Ferraro, FX; Roca, N ; Bech, J ; Cornejo, O. The influence of the industrial area on the pollution outside its borders: a case study from Quintero and Puchuncavi districts, Chile. ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY AND HEALTH. 42(8): 2557-2572. DOI: 10.1007/s10653-019-00423-2


Tume P. Sources analysis and health risk assessment of trace elements in urban soils of Hualpen, Chile. CATENA. 175: 304-316


Tume P, Gonzalez E, King RW, Cuitiño L, Roca N, Bech J. 2018. Distinguishing between natural and anthropogenic sources for potentially toxic elements in urban soils of Talcahuano, Chile. J Soils Sediments 18:2335–2349. DOI 10.1007/s11368-017-1750-0

Tume P, Gonzalez E, King RW, Monsalve V, Roca N, Bech J. Spatial distribution of potentially harmful elements in urban soils, city of Talcahuano, Chile. JOURNAL OF GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION 184: 333-344. DOI: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2016.12.007

Tume P, Roca N, Rubio R, King R. An assessment of the potentially hazardous element contamination in urban soils of Arica, Chile. JOURNAL OF GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION; 184: 345-357. DOI: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2016.09.011



 Bech, J, Roca, N., Tume, P., Ramos-Miras, J., Gil, C., Boluda, R. 2016. Screening for new accumulator plants in potential hazards elements polluted soil surrounding Peruvian mine tailings. Catena 136: 66-73.


Bech, J., Tume, P., Roca, N., Reverter, F. 2015. Geochemical distribution of potentially harmful elements in periurban soils of a Mediterranean region: Manresa (Catalonia, Spain). Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 24(12): 4379-4389.


Muñoz, E., Rivera, D., Vergara, F., Tume, P., Arumí, L. 2014. Indentifiability analysis: towards constrained equifinality and reduced uncertainty in a conceptual model. Hydrological Sciences Journal 59(9) 1690-1703.

Tume, P., King, R., González, E., Bustamante, G., Reverter, F., Roca, N., Bech, J. 2014. Trace element concentrations in schoolyard soils from the port city of Talcahuano, Chile. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 147: 229-236.

Muñoz, E., Tume, P., Ortiz, G. 2014. Uncertainty in rainfall input data in a conceptual wáter balance model: effects on outputs and implications for predictability. Earth Sciences Research Journal 18 (1):60-75.


Bech, J., Roca, N., Barceló, J., Duran, P., Tume, P., Poschenrieder, C. 2012. Soil and plant contamination by lead mining in Bellmunt (Western Mediterranean Area). Journal of Geochemical Exploration 113:94-99.

Bech, J., Corrales, I., Tume, P., Barceló, J., Duran, P., Roca, N., Poschenrieder, C. 2012. Accumulation of antimony and other potentially toxic elements in plants around a former antimony mine located in the Ribes Valley (Eastern Pyrenees). Journal of Geochemical Exploration 113:100-105.

Rossel, G., Güntner, A., Creutzfeldt, B., Wziontek, H., Klügel, Th., Tume, P., Villagran, M., Blume, Th., Hase, H. (2012). Relación de la variación del almacenamiento de agua local y el gravimetro superconductor en el Observatorio Geodésico, TIGO, Concepción, Chile. Obras y Proyectos 12: 71-78.


Bech, J., Reverter, F., Tume, P., Sanchez, P., Longan, L., Bech, J., Oliver, T. (2011) Pedogeochemical mapping of Al, Ba, Pb, Ti and V in surface soils of Barcelona Province (Catalonia, NE Spain): Relationships with soil physiochemical properties. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 109:26-37.

Tume, P., Bech, J., Reverter, F., Bech, J., Longan, L., Tume, L., Sepúlveda, B. (2011) Concentration and distribution of twelve metals in Central Catalonia surface soils. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 109: 92-103.

Bech, J., Tume, P., Sanchez, P., Ferrerter, F., Bech, J., Lansac, A., Longan, L., Oliver, T. (2011) Levels and pedogeochemical mapping of lead and chromium in soils of Barcelona province (NE Spain). Journal of Geochemical Exploration 109: 104-112.



Bech, J., Suarez, M., Reverter, F., Tume, P., Sánchez, P., Bech, J., Lansac, A. (2010) Selenium and other trace elements in phosphate rock of Bayovar-Sechura (Peru). Journal of Geochemical Exploration 107:136-145

Bech, J., Suarez, M. Reverter, F. Tume, P., Sánchez, P. Roca, N., Lansac, A. (2010) Selenium and other trace element in phosphorites: A comparison between those of the Bayovar-Sechura and other provenances. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 107:146-160.


Meca, A., Sepúlveda, B., Ogoña, J.C., Grados, N. Moret, A., Morgan, M., Tume, P. 2009. In vitro pathogenicity of northern Peru native bacteria on Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton (Gracillariidae: Phyllocnistinae), on predator insects (Hippodamia convergens and Chrisoperna externa), on Citrus aurantifolia Swingle and white rats. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 7(1), 137-145. ISSN: 1695-971-X.


Tume, P., Bech, J., Tume, L., Bech, J., Reverter, F., Longan, L., Cendoya, P. 2008. Concentrations and distributions of Ba, Cr, Sr, V, Al, and Fe in Torrelles soil profiles (Catalonia, Spain). Journal of Geochemical Exploration (indexed en ISI, 007/D) 96: 94-105.

Bech, J., Tume, P., Sokolovska, M., Reverter, F., Sanchez, P., Longan, L., Bech, J., Puente, A., Oliver, T. 2008. Pedogeochemical mapping of Cr, Ni, and Cu in soils of Barcelona Province (Catalonia, Spain). Journal of Geochemical Exploration 96: 106-116.

Tume, P., Bech, J., Sepulveda, B., Tume, L., Bech, J. 2008. Concentrations of heavy metals in urban soils of Talcahuano (Chile): a preliminary studyEnvironmental Monitoring and Assessment 140: 91-98. ISSN 0167-6369

Bech, J., Tume, P., Longan, L., Reverter, F., Bech, J., Tume, L., Tempio, M. 2008. Concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Al and Fe in soils of Manresa, NE Spain. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 145: 257-266. ISSN 0167-6369.

Zhiyanski, M., Bech B., J., Sokolovska, M., Tume, P., Bech R., J. 2008. Radiocaesium transfer in mountainous ecosystems in Central Balkan 20 year after the Chernobyl accident. Revista de la Ciencia del Suelo y Nutrición Vegetal (Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Volume 8(3) 166. ISSN 0717-635X.

Sepúlveda, B., Mendieta, G., Morgan, M., Tume, P. 2008. Capparais Scarida (Capparaceae)(Sapote) Woodland Characterization in Northern Peru. Geographia Technica, 2: 122-131


Campos, Y., Sepúlveda, B., Tume, P. 2007. Enthomopathogenicity of native bacteria from Anastrepha fraterculus and Ceratitis capitata against the pests Phyllocnistis citrella. Pest Management Science (indexed en ISI, 006/D) 63: 394-398.


Tume, P., Bech, J., Longan, L., Tume, L., Reverter, F., Sepúlveda,B. 2006. Trace elements in natural surface soils in Sant Climent (Catalonia, Spain). Ecological Engineering 145-152. ISSN 0925-8574

Tume, P., Bech, J., Longan, L., Tume, L., Reverter, F, Bech, J., Sepúlvedad, B. 2006. Baseline concentrations of potentially toxic elements in natural surface soils in Torrelles (Spain). Environmental Forensics 7:1-7: 369-375. ISSN: 1527-5922


Bech, J., Tume, P., Longan, L., Reverter, F. 2005. Baseline Concentrations of trace elements in surface soils of Torrelles and Sant Climent Municipal Districts (Catalonia, Spain). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (Indexed in ISI, 003/D) 108:309-322. ISSN 0167-6369



2016-2018 Contaminación y descontaminación de espacios urbanos. Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes del Gobierno de España. Investigador Responsable: Dra. Nuria Roca. Colaboradores: Javier Rodriguez Bocanegra, Pedro Tume.

2013-2016 Concentration and distribution of heavy metals in soils of Talcahuano. FONDECYT 1130366. Investigador Responsable: Dr. Pedro Tume, Coinvestigadores: Dra. Elizabeth González y Robert King.

2013-2015 Desarrollo de tecnologías innovadoras para el cultivo de mitilidos en zonas costeras expuestas, aplicación al mejillón chileno. Innova Chile 13IDL2-23315. Investigador Responsable: Cristian Diaz, Coinvestigadores Catterina Sobenes, Marcelo Carro, Pedro Tume.

2015-2017 Plantas hiperacumuladores de metales pesados para la remediación de suelos. Universidad de Barcelona, Universidad de Piura, Perú, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción. Dr. Pedro Tume, Investigador Asociado.

2013-2015 Contaminación de Suelos en Cataluña. Universidad de Barcelona. Dr. Pedro Tume, Investigador Asociado

2011-2012 Evaluación de los recursos de agua subterránea en el entorno de Concepción. Geoforschungszentrum Potsdam. Dr. Pedro Tume, Investigador Asociado.