• Grado académico: Philosophical Doctor (Ph.D). Doctor Rerum Naturalium. Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Alemania.
  • Correo electrónico: aurzua@ucsc.cl
  • Teléfono: 56-41-2345265

Postdoctorado en Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar-und Meeresforschung (AWI). Alemania.

Líneas de Investigación

  • Gran Ecosistema Marino de la Corriente de Humboldt.
  • Pesquerías y Acuicultura.
  • Fisiología y Ecología Reproductiva de Animales Marinos.




Guzmán-Rivas F, Quispe-Machaca M, Olavarría L, Zilleruelo M, Urzúa Á. 2021. Inter-sexual comparison of body biomass, proximate biochemical composition, and fatty acid profiles of new juvenile squat lobsters (Pleuroncodes monodon) in the Southeast Pacific Ocean.https://doi.org/10.1111/maec.12690. *

Quispe-Machaca M, Guzmán-Rivas F, Ibañez CM, Urzúa Á. 2021. Trophodynamics of the jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas during winter in the Southeast Pacific Ocean off the coast of Chile: Diet analyses and fatty acid profile. Fisheries Research. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2021.106154. *

Quispe-Machaca M, Guzmán-Rivas F, Ibañez CM, Urzúa Á. 2021. Intra-individual variability in biochemical constituents and fatty acid composition of adult jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) in the southeastern Pacific Ocean. Journal of Sea Research. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seares.2021.102082. *

Viña-Trillos N, Guzmán-Rivas F, Urzúa Á. 2021. How does emersion time affect embryos of coastal marine invertebrate species? Biochemical responses of three porcelain crabs from the Southeastern Pacific. Marine Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/MAEC.12677. *

Lazo-Andrade J, Guzmán-Rivas F, Barría P, Ortega J, Mora S, Urzúa Á. 2021. Seasonal dynamics of biochemical composition and fatty acids of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) in the Southeast Pacific Ocean off the coast of Chile. Marine Environmental Research. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2021.105388. *

Viña-Trillos N, Urzúa Á. 2021. Comparison of lipids and fatty acids among tissues of two semiterrestrial crabs reveals ecophysiological adaptations in changing coastal environments. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpa.2021.111012. *

Viña-Trillos N, Guzmán-Rivas F, Urzúa Á. 2021. The cascade of effects caused by emersion during early ontogeny in porcelain crabs of the Southeast Pacific coast: Biochemical responses of offspring. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpa.2021.111002. *

Guzmán-Rivas F, Quispe-Machaca M, Queirolo D, Ahumada M, Urzúa Á. 2021. Latitudinal changes in the lipid content and fatty acid profiles of juvenile female red squat lobsters (Pleuroncodes monodon) in breeding areas of the Humboldt Current System. PLOS ONE. DOI. 10.1371/journal.pone.0253314. *

Segura-Cobeña E, Alfaro-Shigueto J, Mangel J, Urzúa Á, Górski K. Stable isotope and fatty acid analyses reveal significant differences in trophic niches of Smooth Hammerhead Sphyrna zygaena (Carcharhiniformes) among three nursery areas in northern Humboldt Current System. PeerJ. Aceptado. *

Lazo-Andrade J, Guzmán-Rivas F, Espinoza P, García-Huidobro RM, Aldana M, Pulgar J, Urzúa Á. Spatio-temporal changes in the biochemical parameters of the fishery resource Concholepas concholepas (Gastropoda: Muricidae) in the Southeastern Pacific Ocean. Regional Studies in Marine Science. 101735. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rsma.2021.101735. *

Ruiz P, Contreras S, Urzúa Á, Quiroga E, Rebolledo L. Fatty acid biomarkers in three species inhabiting a high latitude Patagonian fjord (Yendegaia Fjord, Chile) Polar Biology. DOI : 10.1007/s00300-020-02788-y. *

Ruiz-Ruiz PA, Contreras S, Quiroga E, Urzúa Á. Bioenergetic traits of three keystone marine species in the food web of a pristine Patagonian fjord. Journal of Sea Research (167):101984. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seares.2020.101984. *

Lazo-Andrade J, Guzmán-Rivas F, Espinoza P, García-Huidobro RM, Aldana M, Pulgar J, Urzúa Á.Temporal variations in the bioenergetic reserves of Concholepas concholepas (Gastropoda: Muricidae) in contrasting coastal environments from the Humboldt Current System. Journal of Sea Research. 101970. DOI: org/10.1016/j.seares.2020.101970. *


Ruiz P, Hinojosa IA, Urzúa Á, Urbina MA. Anthropogenic noise disrupts mating behavior and metabolic rate in a marine invertebrate. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics. 5th International Conference on the Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life. DOI: 10.1121/2.0001302. *

Bascur M, Muñoz-Ramírez C, Román-González A, Barnes DKA, Sands CJ, Brante A, Urzúa Á. The influence of glacial melt and retreat on the nutritional condition of the bivalve Nuculana inaequisculpta (Protobranchia: Nuculanidae) in the West Antarctic Peninsula. PLOS ONE. DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0233513. *

Guzmán F, Bascur M, Olavarría L, Mora S, Riera R, Urzúa Á. Seasonal and interannual changes in reproductive parameters and eggs biochemical composition of the fishery resource Pleuroncodes monodon (Decapoda: Munididae) from the Humboldt Current System. Fisheries Research. DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2019.105404. *


Guzmán F, Bascur M, Olavarría L, Mora S, Riera R, Urzúa Á. Seasonal and interannual changes in reproductive parameters and eggs biochemical composition of the fishery resource Pleuroncodes monodon (Decapoda: Munididae) from the Humboldt Current System. Fisheries Research. DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2019.105404. *

Doherty-Weason D, Oyarzun F, Vera L, Bascur M, Guzmán F, Silva F, Urzúa Á, Brante A. Bioenergetics of parental investment in two polychaete species with contrasting reproductive strategies: The planktotrophic Boccardia chilensis and the poecilogonic B. wellingtonensis (Spionidae) Marine Ecology – An Evolutionary Perspective. DOI:10.1111/maec.12574. *

Seguel V, Guzmán F, Bascur M, Riera R, Urzúa Á.Temporal variation in larval biochemical condition at hatching of the red squat lobster Pleuroncodes monodon (Decapoda: Munididae) from Humboldt Current System. Invertebrate Reproduction and Development. DOI: 10.1080/07924259.2019.1647471. *

Doherty-Weason D, Oyarzun FX, Vera L, Bascur M, Guzmán F, Silva F, Urzúa Á, Brante A. Role of the larval feeding morphology and digestive enzyme activity in the early development of the polychaete Boccardia wellingtonensis. PeerJ 6:e6151. *


Bascur M, Guzmán F, Mora S, Espinoza P, Urzúa Á. Temporal variation in the fatty acid composition of ovigerous females and embryos of the squat lobster Pleuroncodes monodon (Decapoda, Munididae). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 98 (8): 1977-1990.*
Viña N, Bascur M, Guzmán F, Riera R, Paschke K, Urzúa Á. Interspecific variation in the physiological and reproductive parameters of porcelain crabs from the Southeastern Pacific coast: potential adaptation in contrasting marine environments. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology: Part A. In Press*

Urzúa Á, Bascur M, Guzmán F, Urbina M. Carry-over effects modulated by salinity during the early ontogeny of the euryhaline crab Hemigrapsus crenulatus from the Southeastern Pacific coast: Development time and carbon and energy content of offspring. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology: part A. In Press *

Urzúa Á, Espinoza P, Bascur M, Guzmán, F. Trophic interactions of Pleuroncodes monodon (H. Milne Edwards, 1837) in the Large Marine Ecosystem of the Humboldt Current: Implications for the population dynamics and sustainability of pelagic fishery resources. Frontiers in Marine Science. In Press *


Bascur M, Guzmán F, Mora S, Urzúa A. Seasonal changes in the biochemical composition of females and offspring of red squat lobster, Pleuroncodes monodon (Decapoda, Munididae), from the Southeastern Pacific. Marine Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/maec.12419

Urzúa A, Urbina M. Ecophysiological adaptations to variable salinity environments in the crab Hemigrapsus crenulatus from the Southeastern Pacific coast: Sodium regulation, respiration and excretion. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 210: 35–43.

Bascur M, Guzmán F, Mora S, Espinoza P, Urzúa A. Temporal variation in the fatty acid composition of ovigerous females and embryos of the squat lobster Pleuroncodes monodon (Decapoda, Munididae). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. Pages 1-14. doi:10.1017/S002531541700145X

Hayd L, Anger K, Urzúa A. Growth, elemental and proximate biochemical composition of larval Amazon river prawn, Macrobrachium amazonicum, reared under different salinity conditions. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research. Pages 1-12. DOI: 1402-7142.


Guzmán F, Olavarría L, Urzúa Á.  Seasonal variation in reproductive parameters of the squat lobster Pleuroncodes monodon from a South Pacific population. Invertebrate Reproduction and Development. DOI: 10.1080/07924259.2016.1174155.

Espinoza C, Guzmán F, Bascur M, Urzúa Á.  Effect of starvation on the nutritional condition of early zoea larvae of the red squat lobster Pleuroncodes monodon (Decapoda, Munididae). Invertebrate Reproduction and Development. DOI: 10.1080/07924259.2016.1174157.


Urzúa Á, Guerao G, Cuesta J, Rotllant G, Estévez A, Anger K. 2013. The bioenergetic fuel for non-feeding larval development in an endemic palaemonid shrimp from the Iberian Peninsula, Palaemonetes zariquieyi. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology 46:381-397.

Urzúa Á, Anger K. 2013. Seasonal variations in larval biomass and biochemical composition of brown shrimp, Crangon crangon (Decapoda, Caridea), at hatching. Helgoland Marine Research 67:267-277.


Guerao G, Simeó CG, Anger K, Urzúa Á, Rotllant G. 2012. Nutritional vulnerability of early zoea larvae of the crab Maja brachydactyla (Brachyura, Majidae). Aquatic Biology 16: 253-264.

Urzúa Á, Paschke K, Gebauer P, Anger K. 2012. Seasonal and interannual variations in size, biomass and chemical composition of the eggs of North Sea shrimp, Crangon crangon (Decapoda: Caridea). Marine Biology 159: 583-599.


Guerao G, Hernández E, Urzúa Á. 2011. Early zoeal development of the shrimp Hippolyte leptocerus (Decapoda, Caridea, Hippolytidae). Zootaxa 2988: 53-65.

Urzúa Á, Anger K. 2011. Larval biomass and chemical composition at hatching in two geographically isolated clades of the shrimp Macrobrachium amazonicum: intra- or interspecific variation?, Invertebrate Reproduction and Development 55: 236-246.



2019-2022. “Responses of marine invertebrates to climate driven environmental variation across a wide latitudinal range: A multidisciplinary approach with implications for the population dynamics and sustainability of fishery resources”. Concurso proyectos de investigación conjunta CONICYT Chile–BMBF Alemania. Programa de Cooperación Internacional. Proyecto Nº BMBF180034. Dr. Ángel Urzúa (Investigador Principal).

2018-2020. Alexandrium catenella a través de la transferencia trófica: Efecto sobre la reproducción y ontogenia temprana del gastrópodo Muricido Chorus giganteus. FONDECYT Nº 3180316, Chile. Dra. Paola Andrade (Investigador Responsable). Dr. Ángel Urzúa (Investigador Patrocinante).

2018-2019. “Efecto del ruido antropogénico sobre la conducta reproductiva y parámetros fisio-energéticos del recurso pesquero camarón de roca Rhynchocinetes typus en ambientes costeros del Pacífico Sur Oriental”. Proyecto CIBAS-UCSC. Chile. Dr. Ángel Urzúa (Investigador Principal).

2018-2022. Programa de Seguimiento de las Principales Pesquerías Nacionales. Pesquería Recursos Altamente Migratorios. Aspectos Biológico-Pesqueros. Proyecto 581136. Instituto de Fomento Pesquero (IFOP), Ministerio de Economía (MINECON). Co-Investigador. Investigador CIBAS que participa: Dr. Ángel Urzúa (Co-Investigador).

2017-2019. Cultivo em Laboratório dos Caranguejos Dilocarcinus pagei. Nº SIAFEM 25884 e Nº FUNDECT 124/2016. Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. Investigador CIBAS que participa: Dr. Ángel Urzúa (Investigador Asociado).

2017-2021. Species interactions in changing and exploited coastal seas. Biologische Anstalt Helgoland. Alfred-Wegener-Institut (AWI), Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar-und Meeresforschung, Alemania. Investigador CIBAS que participa: Dr. Ángel Urzúa (Investigador Asociado).

2017-2021. Evolution and adaptation to climate change and anthropogenic stress in coastal and shelf system. Biologische Anstalt Helgoland. Alfred-Wegener-Institut (AWI), Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar-und Meeresforschung, Alemania. Investigador CIBAS que participa: Dr. Ángel Urzúa (Investigador Asociado).

2017-2021. Genetic, biochemical and reproductive mechanisms determining the evolution of life history strategies in marine invertebrates: Poecilogony species as study models. FONDECYT 1170598. Investigadores CIBAS que participan: Dr. Antonio Brante (Investigador Responsable), Dr. Ángel Urzúa (Co-Investigador), Dra. Fernanda Oyarzun (Co-Investigadora).

2016-2018. Programa de Seguimiento de Pesquerías de Recursos Altamente Migratorios. Enfoque Ecosistémico. Proyecto 585003-581125. Instituto de Fomento Pesquero (IFOP), Ministerio de Economía (MINECON). Investigador CIBAS que participa: Dr. Ángel Urzúa (Co-Investigador).

2016-2018. A multi-disciplinary approach to understand the impact of ice loss and deglaciation on Antarctic coastal benthic ecosystems. CONICYT-NERC PII20150078. Investigador CIBAS que participa: Dr. Antonio Brante (Director), , Dr. Patricio Camus (Director Alterno), Dr. Florence Tellier (Investigador Asociado), Dr. Ángel Urzúa (Investigador Asociado).

2015-2016. Evaluación directa de langostino amarillo y langostino colorado entre la II y VIII Regiones, año 2016  Res. Ex. Nº1322-2016. Ministerio de Economía (MINECON). Subsecretaría de Pesca y Acuicultura. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Chile. Investigador CIBAS que participa: Dr. Ángel Urzúa (Investigador Asociado).

2015-2017. Variability and adaptive responses in reproductive traits of the squat lobster, Pleuroncodes monodon: Implications for population dynamics and sustainable exploitation. FONDECYT Nº 11140213. Investigador CIBAS que participa: Dr. Ángel Urzúa (Investigador Principal).

2014-2016. Potenciamiento de la línea de manejo y uso sustentable de recursos marinos en la UCSC. Programa de Atracción e Inserción CONICYT-PAI Nº 79130025. Investigador CIBAS que participa: Dr. Ángel Urzúa (Investigador Principal), Dr. Antonio Brante (Investigador Patrocinante).